Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Video of EssentialTremorLab Electrical Neurostimulation device

This first video is me recording my forearm tremor before applying the electrical neurostimulation.  I’ll run a Discrete Fourier Transform over this data to provide a snapshot of the spectrum of my tremors. 

Here is a rather longer video of the device in action edited down to leave out  the long gaps between the minutes. 

Apologies but the video is too large for blogger to upload so here is a link to it on YouTube

Here is the DFT of before:

and here is the DFT after 15 minutes of electrical neurostimulation.

Technical details and how to build your own device can be found here.


Caution: Beta Blockers and Atrioventricular Block

  Propranolol is a beta blocker and is the only drug approved by the FDA for the treatment of Essential Tremors. Beta blockers cause the hea...